“Landscape” is an analog medium in an electronic environment.
“Body” is the shrinking of the “landscape phase” in a digital environment.
“ama” of “O’B(ama)” means [A]ndroid [M]eme [A]nthropomorphized.
Chemical Body goes solipsistic in the Global Theater of the 1960s.
Astral Landscape goes solipsistic in the First Phase of the Android Meme of the 1970s.
TV Landscape goes solipsistic in the Second Phase of the Android Meme of the 1980s.
Chip Landscape goes solipsistic in the Third Phase of the Android Meme of the early 1990s (pre-HTTP protocols before 1995).
TV Body goes solipsistic in the Web 1.0 period of the after-image of the Android Meme of the late 1990s.
Chip Body goes solipsistic in the Web 2.0 period of the after-image of the Android Meme of the Naughty Naughts (2000s).
Android Meme (the interplay/convergence of the Chemical, Astral, TV, and Chip Bodies) goes solipsistic (God-like editing powers) in the Web 3.0 period of the B. O’B(ama) Era.
Then… THEN!… the Mystery Landscape goes OBJECTIVE in the middle of the B. O’B(ama) Era and presents its Mystery Body as iON: 18 March 2009 – 22 November 2012!!! Hear streaming archive.