[22 November 2014 Part 3]
Caller: I have some confusion regarding the name, “Jehovah”. Will you tell me the meaning of Jehovah?
iON: Jehovah Jireh is you back into your original state. We’re trying to get you back to God, and until you become Yahweh, you must be Jehovah. See, Jehovah is a representation of God incarnate on this earth without being God. You can’t call God, “God”, til God is. See, that’s the whole thing. That’s the 126 of the whole thing, that you can’t slap God in the face as a little man because he’s not God, but he’s 100% man, and he’s 100% God, but you’re not 200% creator. Do you see? So, the synesthesia, however little bit crazy – however, little manic – however, little prolific but it comes – you end up becoming that placeholder as Yahweh and there is no one else like Yahweh except God, and that’s you. But you are the holder for Yahweh.