[6 December 2014 Part 1]
Caller: You were talking about the River Jordan the other day, and you brought up magnesium. It’s like you were going to make a statement or…
iON: The specific gravity of the River Jordan has a lower ratio of gravity which is a natural drawer or holder of magnesium, in what Carolyn would call in a pure form. Not ionic but almost at a Pico – well, we like Angstrom but that’s a dirty word in the people’s world, but that’s found in the River Jordan now because of its lower specific gravity because it’s a divider line on the 33rd parallel to the Canaan Land which is just in sight. Canaan land is just in sight! There’s a song, “Canaan Land is Just in Sight”! It’s just across the River Jordan, but ya’ll have to be careful because there’re giants in the land.
Caller: Giants meaning, “Gods”. There are Gods in the land.
iON: Do! There are giants in Canaan Land.
Caller: Let’s go back to your statement again, the River Jordan, and you brought in the 33rd parallel. So, the water that flows in the River Jordan has a lower specific gravity than other waters.
iON: Other water!
Caller: Therefore, you get a higher or a more pure or the right size of magnesium in that water?
iON: There is natural magnesium in that water, that’s very good.