[7 February 2015 Part 2]
(21:29 mark)
iON: The only thing we have left we have to kill is the autoimmune system. We’ve got to get rid of that because that’s what’s holding you to the little-man status.
Caller: Will that happen?
iON: Well, of course, it’s already started. You’re already having to take strain 4,278 of an antibiotic to even reach you. So, it’s getting there.
Caller: 4,000, what is that referring to?
iON: Generational antibiotics that you have to keep making new ones because you keep covering them up and getting immune to them.
Caller: You mean people who take antibiotics? I mean I don’t even own – I am like you, Bob and Carolyn – I don’t have antibiotics or pain medicine in this house.
Bob: So iON, RnA Drops do not have to be upped or maybe they have to be upped like antibiotics?
iON: No, they’re taken care of generationally.
Bob: Isn’t that an adaptation, the way they do in drug companies?
iON: Nope, it is not.
Bob: What’s the difference?
iON: You’re starting with a “Live Living Cell” that’s the essence of creation, they aren’t!
Bob: And when you say “cell”, you mean the iCell?
iON: Do!
[21 February 2015]
(36:55 mark)
Caller: A couple of weeks ago, iON, you mentioned that we’re getting rid of or destroying the immune system, and I am glad that Carolyn is here, too, when I ask this. Will you tell us the benefit of that?
iON: Well sure, the benefit is you’re becoming immune to it.
Caller: So, there’s like – there’s no superbugs or anything that – well, like…
iON: Sure, there is! There’s a new superbug right now. It’s wiping out the world. It’s right now. Superbug! A big ole, big ole Biggun – Biggun – little – little Biggun! It will take MRSA and make it nothing! It will take the worst CDI if you ever had it – ever, ever, ever and wipe you out!
Caller: But if you don’t have an immune system, it doesn’t matter for you.
iON: If you don’t have an immune system, you don’t have anything to be immune to.
Caller: That’s what I mean, so it’s positive. It’s good to not have an immune system.
iON: OK, or it could be negatively positive, or it could be positively negative!
Dr. Dean: Yeah, Caller! It’s like a 50/50 chance of it killing you or making you a “Super Human,” and it’s all up to you.
iON: Yay! Either way, some time or another, you’re pitching or catching, honey!