iON | Angels in the Force Field

Transcribed by Bert.


[25 April 2015 Part 2]

(50:20 mark)
Caller: iON, within the confines and the parameters of an individual’s force field, are the angels, that they command within or without the parameters of that – do they have to be included within or without?

iON: Well, they can work within and be without, or be without and work within. It’s kind of like when you have folks with demon possession. It’s the same way, or like when a beast gets embraced by something. It can’t take it, but then it has to be removed – the same kind of thing.

Caller: An Ascended being has their angels positioned which way around their force field? Are they in a particular kind of hierarchical organization, or how are they organized?

iON: Revelation 23 has all that!

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