iON | Possessed People

Transcribed by Bert.


[11 April 2015 Part 3]

(55:57 mark)
Caller 2: iON, caller 1 just mentioned that she’s seeing or noticing differences in people. If I am walking down the street and I see five peculiar looking people, are there five different worlds, and I am just passing through?

iON: No, you’re just noticing that you’re different than they. You can stare at… some of them are even demon possessed. And as you get better and better at it, you can watch, and their face will just twist. It will wrinkle around and twist up.

Caller 2: I’ve seen that!

iON: Yeah, that’s right and that’s normal. You can see it and then you’re not offended by the individual person. You’re offended by what thing is attached to them.

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