[11 July 2015 Part 3]
(40:27 mark)
Bob: Hey Carolyn, is there magnesium in bones?
Carolyn: Of course, yeah!
Bob: So, is that part of the continuity of bones and magnesium, iON? Is that why bones are continuous? Whatever that word was!
iON: Well, the marrow is continuous, bones aren’t. Bones wither, and you have to build them up.
Bob: So the marrow provides continuity because it is largely magnesium?
iON: It’s an oxymoron, but yes.
Carolyn: So, this continuity, magnesium is in the red blood cells. The red blood cells are made in the bone marrow, and then they come out into the bloodstream. Is that the continuity we’re talking about – how they just circulate through the whole body, including through the bones?
iON: That is the merging, yes!
Carolyn: Right, because other liquids don’t necessarily have that transit. OK! And the merging – are you talking about it merging with the Lamb’s blood in our final Ascending?
iON: Yeah, it’s the difference between an immortal and an Ascending human, that slight shift.
Bob: We are talking about the bone marrow and magnesium, Carolyn? And what’s merging? I heard you use the word, merging? What’s merging?
Carolyn: The continuity then merges the Lamb’s blood into our ascension. And then iON said that the difference between…
iON: Right, in an immortal… No, go ahead! Go ahead!
Carolyn: Hmm! No, I’m listening. I was ready for that – in an immortal…
iON: Yes, in an immortal…
Bob: No, you mean an eternal, Carolyn!
Carolyn: No, an immortal doesn’t have the same as an Ascending.
Bob: Right! Right! They don’t have the bone marrow?
iON: It never merges! It never merges!
Carolyn: Ah! Ah!
Bob: What doesn’t merge, Carolyn?
iON: The change in the marrow from regular blood to Lamb’s blood or Ascended blood.
Bob: So, you’re using the word, ”merge”, to mean a change.
iON: Well, merging to – Yes! Yes!
Bob: Right!
iON: You have perfect marrow. You just don’t make perfect blood until it merges to a new stratum.
[18 July 2015 Part 3]
(17:32 mark)
Caller: Last week, Eliza asked you about bone marrow, and you said that it’s for continuity. So the bones, are our bones changing in the fact that we’re engaging with the RnA drops?
iON: Certainly! Certainly! Certainly, the marrow is changing.
Caller: And that’s the filler of the tissue that you were talking about earlier. So then, the filling of the tissue is proceeding from the bone marrow out. Is that also the process that you explained last week about radial conductivity? Would it start from the bone marrow out?
iON: Umm, inside-out! Yes!