[8 August 2015 Part 1]
(01:20 mark)
Caller: iON, I would like to ask about communication in the Ascended state. When everybody is in the knowing, how can you communicate? What happens with communication in the Ascended state?
iON: It gets commutated.
Caller: What do you mean by that?
iON: Look it up!
Bob: It means, “to regulate, reverse a direction of, an alternating electric current, especially to make it a direct current”. So, communication becomes direct, moves out of the alternating.
iON: Excellent, see! The Gutenberg Galaxy wasn’t for nothing, it even let’s stupid people figure things out. It’s great!
Bob: First insult for Bob! Ha! Ha! Ha!
iON: Ha! Ha! Ha! Make sure you note that, Bob!
Caller: So, media were extensions of ourselves in the “Fallen state”. But when we Ascend, is there any more expansion?
iON: Yes!
Caller: What is the thing that creates this expansion? Is it also in the perception?
iON: Contrast!
Caller: So, how does this work with the…
iON: Through contrast! Contract contrast!
Caller: Contract contrast?
iON: Do!