iON | Hertz to Megahertz

Transcribed by Bert.


[29 June 2015 1:00 AM]

(56:49 mark)
iON: You’ve stepped into what’s called the “Hexadic”. And in the Hexadic, every tone value has been changed from a hertz to a megahertz. That’s why everybody was confused when we were giving frequencies, and we would say megahertz, and they would go: “You can’t have that, that doesn’t work like that! You don’t know what you’re talking about! You can’t do that! You can’t do that! You can’t do that! You can’t do that!” Now all of a sudden, we can. You couldn’t then but you can now. So, that aspect – the ratios have all been juxtaposed against the Five Bodies. Now, you’re in the Hexadic. Now, the Hexadic is different. You have to be careful, though, because now, now, now – you’re dealing with the “Tech Body”, the Tech Body is who you all gave all of your power to, all of your information, all of your phone numbers. You don’t even know your phone number, you just hit a picture. “Siri, Bitch! Call Mama! Bitch! Call Mama! Bitch! Oh, there’s another Rap song, right there! Damn, there it goes! Just tell Siri what to do, and it will do it. You don’t know any numbers, you don’t know anybody, home or office! Home or office! Home or office! You don’t know any numbers. You don’t know anything! You’ve given it all to the “Black Mirror”. And the Black Mirror is taking it all, and they’re going to let you have back what they want you to have, sooner or later. You see? So the rub is, you didn’t have anything left. You gave it all to them, and that’s what’s holding your power now. Now, the Tech Body has got it going, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We got them!” OK, but here’s the trick! Bob’s got a little trick bag for them. And the little trick bag is – contained within the Hexadic, you have an experienced value judgment, OK. Kind of like the “Vial Judgments”, that we did in the Revelation series but not quite the same. Because now, you have the Angels, who now have to work for you as you start your Ascension and well on your way toward. So what happens is, the Tech Body starts attacking the Angels as well, because you gave it all your power. You gave it all your power! So for the little men not ascending, you’re doomed! You end is tight! Not looking good! No Bueno over there! No! No Mas! So that’s the rub!

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