iON | Hexadic Vial Judgments

Transcribed by Bert.


[29 June 2015 2:00 AM]

(02:22 mark)
Bob: The key phrase is “Hexadic Vial Judgments”.
iON: Ha! Yeah!
Bob: The Vial Judgments are in the Bible, and nobody knows what they are, but I figured it out last week. So, it’s a new theme that surfaces.
iON: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!
Caller: What the inevitable question is – and I think you guys were leading toward it – is: What are the strategies, and how would you describe this new environment?
Bob: Well, iON’s doing it. It’s the Tech Body!
iON: Look out your window! Look out your window! Look out your window! People running around! People running around, nobody is working! Everybody’s got a car! Everybody’s got a Black Mirror! Everybody is fat! Everybody is riding around eating, and not doing anything, and shooting each other in the face. They’re driving around and shooting people in the face!

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