[12 May 2013]
(15:25 mark)
Carolyn: OK, so lysine! Now, when you say it allows the peptides to bond… the peptides are protein, they’re not the nucleic.
iON: That’s correct, but that’s what you are trying to hook up. You are trying to bond. You’re trying to merge together that protein, when you rip. You know when you build a muscle and you rip and shred, then your body digests protein. You want to change the carbs level balance. You want to have enough juice or oil to make this system work, but when you are ripping and then having the muscle to hold moisture or water which the shredding is what pumps it up and makes a memory, a memory that your body is approaching, this is that process – that’s the connection between the protein and the muscle mass within amino acids of the muscle which has everything to do with the lipid system, not the other way around. Human Growth Hormone works because it allows you to process a different kind of hydrogen – that’s why it works.