iON | Burning in the Belly

Transcribed by Bert.

[12 September 2015 Part 1]

(18:51 & 28:12 marks)
Caller: Where do the emotions lie or reside?

iON: Well, the emotions – you’ve got to get to “burning in the belly” to figure that one out.

Bob: Well, you’ve traditionally said in the “Inner Kingdom”, iON.

iON: Well, that’s the same place.

Bob: As what, “burning in the belly”?

iON: Yes, Bob! Empirically, the answer is, empirically: “Yes, Bob!”

Bob: OK, thank you!

iON: You’re welcome!

Caller: You’ve made a big importance, I would say, about the “burning of the belly”. It’s kind of the root of many things.

Bob: “In the belly”, caller! “In the belly!”

Caller: Ah, “burning in the belly”. Thank you, my grammarian, Bob! So, is the “burning in the belly” in the Inner Kingdom? It seems that when you address it from that point, everything out from there corrects in the system. I can’t say it that way, I bet!

Bob: No, and that’s not a question! Make it a question!

Caller: To look at the “burning in the belly” in your own belly and know that – that is where it feels best. Does that emanate out into the Outer Kingdom?

iON: It would include the Outer Kingdom, yes!

Caller: Is there anything else that you would like to tell me about “burning in the belly”, regarding myself?

iON: We would suggest that you talk to Dr. Dean.

Dr. Dean: So, with “burning in the belly” then, the summing up would be that “burning in the belly” would be what lets you know when you’re in a frequency with something that you’re attracted to, or something that you like, or would that be the final definition of it?

iON: Also, it could be cancer.

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