iON | Emotions

Transcribed by Bert.

[12 September 2015 Part 1]

(05:14 mark)
Dr. Dean: Well, if emotions seem to be that powerful, why don’t they lodge within you?

iON: They don’t, they can’t! Emotions are not absorbed.

Dr. Dean: So, does that mean their frequency is not such that they relate to the body’s frequency? How would we explain that?

iON: Oh, you won’t, you won’t explain that because the Little Man is not going to it, anyway. And so, it will just be a “fool’s errand” to show them – prove to them that their fingernails grow. You can’t explain why fingernails grow, but yet, they do. You can’t explain where they come from. You can tell what they are, but you don’t know how your body produces it to make your fingernails. How the nail bed attaches, how, if you take the nail bed off, it still grows a fingernail, anyway. You just can’t figure all that stuff out. So, you just kind of go with it. So, this is one of those that you just got to go with it.

Dr. Dean: OK, but in certain therapies – and I’ve even seen it – when you trigger a remembrance of something either with a story or a bit of hypnosis or a massage, people will remember something in the past, start crying, “release” that emotion and they feel better.

iON: OK.

Dr. Dean: And some say: “What’s going on?”

iON: Yes, and there’s also relief when you stop hitting them in the head with a bat. Every time that you stop hitting them, they always feel better afterward. So yeah, same thing.

Dr. Dean: Umm, I can’t really see that. It’s…

iON: If you stop hitting yourself in the head with a bat, you’ll feel better.

Dr. Dean: So, is bringing it up, a pain and an emotion, bringing that up in therapy – bringing it to the surface, is that stopping the constant barrage of it, exposing it to the light?

iON: It doesn’t work. You’re trying to mix “tale of tea” with “burning in the belly”. It’s not in the belly to burn. It doesn’t work that way. If you can say: “That I am affected by this, or it moves me, or drives me, or pushes me, or I am driven”, all that kind of stuff. It’s not from the same context. So, at the end of the road, you’re going to get an answer, but it won’t meet your question.

Dr. Dean: Cancer?

iON: Could be, sure!

Dr. Dean: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! It’s a position – “burning in the belly” is a position.

iON: It’s a juxtaposable condition.

Bob: That would involve proprioception, wouldn’t it, iON?

iON: Every time!

Dr. Dean: So, “burning in the belly” is a juxtaposable position, caller!

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