[8 August 2015 Part 3]
(47:11 mark)
Caller: Negative pH, is that an inversion where perhaps instead of a positive proton, you’ve got an electron at the center?
iON: It can! It can!
Caller: It can but not necessarily. Oh boy!
iON: Not always!
Caller: Has there ever been a molecule with a negative center in place of a proton?
iON: Umm, things are changing! You’ll see!
Caller: Because I was trying to understand what negative pH might be, so I thought maybe you invert the chemical structure where instead of a proton, you’ve got an electron at the center of an atomic structure. To me, that sort of might explain negative pH. Otherwise, I don’t really understand what negative pH is.
Bob: Well, Caller for you, you’re just going to eat the negative pH, OK! Taking the RnA Drops and other – the Living Water – you’ll be eating negative pH or its effect or something like that. Now, we’ve analyzed and asked iON details about what you just asked about the substance of negative pH. And we’ve got details on that, but in the end, it’s just your mind trying to come up with images, which is not that important. It’s the eating of it that’s important. So, you’ll have scientists puzzling and scratching their heads for the next 50 years as our products do their wonders. And they’re going to try to fit it into their old knowledge or make a few compromises and adapt it to their stupid new knowledge that they’ll come up with. And they’ll try to make a cheaper version of it, and they will be a bunch of idiots. So, you just have to stay in touch with us. This is the academy. This is the laboratory where things are happening.