iON | Out-of-Body Experience

Transcribed by Bert.

[5 September 2015 Part 3]

(00:20 mark)
Caller: iON, when an individual has an out-of-body experience, they’re out of their body. They’re looking at their physical body lying in their bed. Is their experience, when they’re out of the body – is that also physical?

iON: It has to be.

Caller: That’s also physical?

iON: It has to be, or you’ll have no context to call it “unreal” or “Non-Physical”.

9. RnA Reset Drops are not a Placebo

· [iON on “PAYDAY” September 12, 2015 Part 1 (31:49 mark)]:

Dr. Dean: So, Homeopathy and Bach Flower – with their little bits of things – are they mainly placebo, iON?

iON: Yes!

Dr. Dean: Oh, brother! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, gosh!

Caller: Isn’t that good, Carolyn? Doesn’t everything – I mean mostly what’s worked until now – isn’t placebo the best thing around?

Dr. Dean: Yeah, that’s true. Yeah…

iON: A placebo very rarely has given rat’s cancer!

Dr. Dean: Yeah! That’s the safest thing! I used to have patients, who’d come into the office and tell me their problems and say: “Just give me a placebo – that’s all I want”. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Bob: Did they say that?

Dr. Dean: They would say that! You know, because they were smart!

Bob: iON, RnA Drops are just mere placebo, right?

iON: No! Computer says: “No!”

Bob: Yaay, we made the cut!

Dr. Dean: Ha! Ha! Yaay!

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