iON | Pitch

Transcribed by Bert.

[22 August 2015 Part 1]

(42:32 mark)
Roxana: You’re always talking about the “New Song”. And for me, it makes sense that we can ascend like… by modulating the frequencies and making them higher. So, how is this modulation done to ascend – to go to a higher plane?

iON: What would you do if the room was “pitch dark”?

Roxana: Turn on a light!

Caller 2: Turn on a light!

iON: There you go! And you know that because pitch means…?

Caller 2: Dark!

iON: Oh, or is it with absence of light?

Caller 2: Absence of light!

iON: Because “dark” can be very bright!

Caller 2: “Pitch” is, also, one of the 14 Degrees of Freedom.

iON: It is indeed!

Caller 2: So, creating light is Ascension!

iON: You don’t create light, you are light. You don’t create Ascension, you Ascend.

Caller: So, if we turn on the light, it’s already there. We’re just letting it out. So, we just need to see. We just need to turn it on. But then, why the cellular changes?

iON: We’re trying to show you – you’re living in a world where most all of you have a cellphone.

Bob: You’re trying to show us, what world, iON?

Caller 2: Most of us have a cellphone was the last thing iON said.

Roxana: Yes, about the iCell.

Bob: Right, but iON started to say: “We’re trying to show you,” and then they said: “Most of you have a cellphone”. So, what’s the connection there on that sentence?

iON: The cellphone, you have a cellphone – you live in a world, and everyone is trying to change the Ascend and change their cells. So, every example has been laid out. Every way! Every way! Every way! And now, you have an example of a cellphone which all of you can’t live without, now. If your house was on fire, you’d save your cellphone before your children, or so your papers say. Now, this cell becomes the cell you’re embracing, the Chip Body!

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