[Bob’s Private Session #401, Part 1, Electricity Explained, 8 November 2011]
(41:43 mark)
Bob: So, becoming aware of H-197 is part of – remember the first terms we used 2½ years ago – “thinning of the Veil”? The “thinning of the Veil” changes matter, right, iON?
iON: Umm-hmm!
Bob: See! So, the actual psychological or perceptual issue of humans “coming into their power” changes the wordings.
Dr. Dean: Umm!
Bob: But not just the wordings, it changes the food we eat. And so, when you have made, because of the “thinning of the Veil”, RnA Drops, that opens up the possibility of changing the diagram – periodic table – only because you have the substance to eat.
iON: Umm-hmm!
Bob: Because the substance comes with the larger change, Carolyn – of the “thinning of the Veil”.
Dr. Dean: Umm!
iON: Good!
Bob: So, we’ve learned… beg your pardon, iON?
iON: Good!
Bob: Yeah! So, the “thinning of the Veil”, remember, is what’s going on, Carolyn.
Dr. Dean: Umm-hmm!
Bob: And then we have learned to relate to different parts of society’s disciplines and came up with substances like the Cold Fusion or Coldplay, RnA Drops, and the iCell – to give subject-derivative jargon – to notice the “thinning of the Veil”.
Dr. Dean: Umm-hmm!
Bob: So, what is the iCell in this hierarchy? The iCell is the God-particle, it’s the Ascended state, it’s prior to the tachyon and neutrino, iON? (a nine-second pause occurs with no answer from iON). Are you thinking or do you want me to restate it?
iON: Restate it!
Bob: The iCell, Carolyn, is the completion of – you remember…
iON: Well, as long as it bonds. See, if it doesn’t bond, it’s not complete.
Bob: Ah, that’s the bonding of Heaven and Earth, Carolyn!
iON: Good!