David Worcester Predicts the Closing of the Womb

Bob Dobb’s Diary, March 25/1967 (Seattle)

Dobbs: So, David, explain to me this “Rhyee” concept again.

Worcester: According to Awareness, Rhyee was the entity that manifested the first separateness from the Plane of Essence. It created the dimension known as “matter” and subsequently “man.” To perpetuate itself within matter, Rhyee made an agreement with the entity known as Isis to enter matter as “woman.” This led to the first priesthood as a means of creating authority. The words “authority” and “author” come from “awe.” All the subsequent principalities and dominions came from this Rhyee action. When Rhyee returns to Essence, there will be no support for maintaining any kind of power.

Dobbs: When will that happen?

Worcester: It already did… in January of this year.

Dobbs: What? You’re kidding?

Worcester: No. And now we can find out if this dimension is real, or viable. The female womb is being closed.

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