[iON “Answers to Cancer” 26 May 2010 Part 3]
(45:50 mark)
Dr. Dean: Let’s clean that up a bit. iON said: “If you scrub it – if you scrub the RNA – it will attach only to Chromosome 14.” What does that mean?
iON: Well, that’s where the communication… that’s where you make a change in DNA.
Bob: It does not only… it’s the only thing involved is 14, Carolyn.
Dr. Dean: Why is that, iON?
Bob: It’s the only one that does the change.
iON: It’s the only one receptive to that new information. Everything else is closed – every other chromosome pair is busy.
Bob: Right! Chromosome 14 is the main liaison with the RNA.
Dr. Dean: Yeah! Umm, hmm!
iON: If you’re going to change it…!
Bob: Yeah, if you’re going to change it.
iON: And, if you catch cancer now, you catch it through Chromosome 14.
Bob: Right, and Chromosome 14…
iON: Now wait, Bob! Now, that was big!
Dr. Dean: Yeah!
Bob: Yeah, and you catch it through Chromosome 14…
iON: Only!
Bob: Because it’s part of the tactility, Carolyn. It’s flexible – it can change and respond to the new. And it’s a dupe – it’s duped by the new.
iON: Well… and the dupe is that the RNA doesn’t know “good” or “bad”. See, the body thinks that a cancer cell is more healthy than a regular cell – that’s why it keeps copying it.
Bob: Yeah, the RNA fooled it, and the chromosome is in legion with… it goes along with whatever the RNA wants.
iON: Absolutely! So does Non-Physical!
Bob: Where is Non-Physical in this situation?
iON: Well, Non-Physical, Bob… it goes along with whatever the RNA – the messenger – portrays as a desire.