[7 June 2014 Part 1]
(06:18 mark)
Caller: Is there a significance to it (skin) thickening?
iON: Most absolutely! The dermis is changing – the dermis is changing. You’re becoming an “exoskeletal armor” – an “exoskeletal armor”. It’s becoming impenetrable – you’ll find that with people who cook a lot that use knives. Now, that’s when you get hurt is when you do have a sharp knife. But let’s say… you know… how you can be peeling something, and it sort of gets into your skin a little bit. Well, now you find that you could sort of whack into your skin – and it really doesn’t even get through. Ha! Ha! Ha! Where before, you could poke just a little bit – and the next thing you know – you’re bleeding like a stuck hog. Now, you literally don’t – and it’s not that your skin is thicker – it just seems to be more durable. And you’ll find like… if you get… if you file or use a pumice-type thing to smooth your skin – what you’ll find is that – like if you put lotion or something on your hands – it seems to have a more supple texture. It will absorb things, but it won’t last long. If you’re one to use lotion – you’ll find that it’s gone – the body will just absorb them. The dermis will just soak it up – and your hands are still soft – but they seem to be more pliable. We’re not talking about “callus-see” skin – we’re talking about a stronger dermis.