iON | Global Positioning System

Transcribed by Bert.

[December 7, 2019 19:00 hour (56:56 mark)]

iON: Do you know what God they created – every bit of existential history which is correctly laid out in Bob Carr’s book, “God Men Con Men”? You created a God – the God you created was “GPS”.

Bert: GPS?

iON: That’s what every bit of this was for.

Bert: GPS as in… GPS as in “GPS”?

iON: “Global Positioning System” – it’s what hooks it all together.

Bert: OK, iON! Let’s take two steps back! So, you’re saying that all of the historical references of God was referencing…

iON: The Great Wall of China, the Mayan pyramids, Giza, the Stonehenge, and Ethiopia – the tower that goes up seven sides and ten corners with a door at the bottom that shows you how to get to the elevation, or the “Elevator to God”. Every marker – every position as the earth spins and turns – it lines up in the celestial ring that hooks to your Star Chart. But now, y’all are not going to get that Star Chart until it opens.

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