iON | Labyrinth of the Mind

Transcribed by Bert.

[iON engagements on “Cash Flow” & “PAYDAY”: Private sessions released between 2009-2013]

iON: God lives in a timeless state – the labyrinth of the mind perpetuates time.

[March 15, 2014 Part 1 (35:05 mark)]

Bob: iON, is the mind your sub-vocal voice talking to itself, or is it something else?

iON: Describe a sub-vocal voice!

Bob: Well, as I’m talking – I am listening to your words – and I am translating your words – I am listening to myself translate and talking to myself as I am talking to you. Is it the voice that I am talking to myself?

iON: No, because then you’d have to comprehend it. So, no! No! It becomes psychobabble that you use to distract you from your true place of Godship.

Bob: Are you saying that this sub-vocal – or just whatever I am saying to myself – is the mind – or is that the labyrinth of the mind? You say there’s a difference between the labyrinth of the mind.

iON: There is! There is! The labyrinth is the pathway – the roller coaster has tracks – but the tracks are not the roller coaster. The labyrinth of the mind has pathways, but the pathways are not the mind.

Bob: If I’m Ascended, will I be hearing my sub-vocalizations?

iON: You have never listened to yourself ever. So, why would you ever think you would start listening in the future?

Bob: That’s a good way to look at it. We aren’t listening to our thoughts.

Susana: Is this specifically about Bob or all of us?

iON: It’s always about Bob! He’s what made descension so much fun!

Susana: Is the problem we are…?

iON: There’s not a problem! See, that’s a problem! See, that’s a problem! That’s a problem! That’s a problem because there’s not a problem.

Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Susana: What you’re saying… what I am hearing is that we need to allow our mind to just control the autonomous part of the body – our physical, and not let it…

iON: No! No! See, darling! Here’s the thing! Here’s the thing! The good news is – you don’t have to think about breathing. The good news is – you do not have to direct your arterial veins to cooperate with your ventricular system. The good news is that your lipids don’t require you to have to make a cognitive thought regarding their assemblage of your amino acid-base in your body. See, autonomically, your body responds anyway.

Bob: iON, that’s what you said the mind was originally – it’s watching the autonomic system. So, that’s why we don’t listen to our mind. We don’t hear the autonomic system, which the original mind was monitoring.

iON: That’s right, but then you turn that into some Glenn Beck bullshit, and it’s been south ever since!

[March 22, 2014 Part 1 (26:00 mark)]

Caller: To look at the brain – the brain is a superconductor.
iON: It most certainly is not! It’s just plumbing – it’s the labyrinth – it’s a labyrinth – it allows you to file things away in the frontal cortex and the frontal lobe – then you have short term/long term. Everything else is then split between the nervous system, and how your body responds to all those nerve endings. It’s a D1 – it’s a DID block of a T1 line that lays your CAT 5 line all over your body. So, when you pick your nose, you know if you made it or not.

[May 17, 2014 Part 3 (11:40 mark)]

iON: The hypothalamus is not part of the mind. It’s the base of it – the cerebral cortex – it’s not the mind – the mind doesn’t even think. You keep thinking the mind thinks – it controls the autonomic responses of the human body. The autonomic responses of the human body are the part that the hypothalamus controls.

[June 14, 2014 Part 2 (25:20 mark)]

Caller: iON, most of me knows I am God.

iON: The most of you isn’t the issue – it’s the labyrinth of the mind that keeps questioning your questions. You question your question, there you go! You know the answer more times than not. You just ask them to see what we’ll say.

[June 28, 2014 Part 2 (29:51 mark)]

iON: The labyrinth of your mind is separated into four quadrants. The four quadrants have different diodes that they connect to – and hitch to – and unhitch to – and connect to – and un-connect to. Those different splits within the labyrinth of the mind are divided from the 1st and 2nd dorsal.

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