iON | Lather-Rinse-Repeat

Transcribed by Bert.

[June 21, 2014 Part 3 (19:26 mark)]

Caller: iON, when you say: “Lather – Rinse – Repeat”, can you describe the lather or the rinse portion of the program?

iON: “Lather” is the contrast! “Rinse” is – get on with it! “Rinse”, you’ve washed it. You’ve got the contrast – you stirred it up – you’ve made a mess – you’ve fucked it up – you’ve done all you did. Scrubbed it real hard and soaked up – soaked up – soaked up! Now, “rinse” means stop scrubbing – rinse it away – wash it – let it go – remove it from your position. Get in a lather – rinse it off – then repeat, then do it again. And what you find is, it takes less – and less – and less lather soap to get the same amount of lather.

Caller: It takes less “lather”, meaning?

iON: It takes less contrast to get you there. When your hair is really – really – really dirty – you have to use a lot of shampoo to get it to lather up. Well, that lot of shampoo would be equal to contrast – and you wash your hair – then you rinse that off with water to get all of the soap out, get all of the contrast out, get it all the way from you. Then, if you put some more shampoo in your hair, you can make the same amount of lather with less shampoo or less contrast. And you want to get to where you can “lather – rinse – repeat” with the tiniest little minuscule amount of contrast. See, that’s why Bob will never have anything big in his life because he can’t stand the tiniest little nothing.

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