iON | Little Man

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 22, 2014 Part 1 (39:42 mark)]:

Caller: You’re not using the phrase, “Little Man”, anymore?

iON: There aren’t any.

Caller: You used to use the phrase. So, what I am wondering is – are you changing your words?

iON: No! You have evolved. We are only speaking to the Ascending.

Caller: You’re saying Little Man still exists.

iON: No, they don’t. They never have, but you didn’t know it.

[April 12, 2014 Part 2 (03:20 mark)]:

Caller 1: But it’s good for the people on the RnA Drops but not for other people.

iON: We’re not speaking to the “Little People”, darling!

Caller 1: Other Gods… I mean, Gods! Yeah! Yeah!

Bob: Ha! Ha! Ha!

iON: We aren’t speaking to the “Little Ones” – the Little Ones run from that radiation. Don’t worry, it will be over for y’all soon. It’s OK! Don’t worry about it.

Caller 2: What will be over?

iON: For them, the world will be over!

Caller 1: Well, we all know a lot of “Little People”.

iON: Well, kiss them goodbye, honey!

Caller 2: Maybe not! Maybe, if they’re around us, they’re not!

iON: There’s potential! You are God – you say how it goes. However, you cannot sustain “Little-Age” – that’s what we call Little Man now, “Little-Age”. Yeah, like “Silage” – “Little-Age” – not long because you come into the place where you’ve got to get happy – or you are going to get out – we’re going to see to it. Don’t you worry! You will get happy in this world, or you are not long for it.

[June 7, 2014 Part 1 (1:05:44 mark)]:

iON: We don’t give a damn about “Little Man”. We don’t give one care for any Little Man. We are here only to bring you in to your place of power as God. If we don’t get you back to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, go jump off a long walk – off a short spirally cliff. “Get out” is what we say! We’re not about the Little Man. We’re not about these sick dragging around here wiping noses – sick of this – sick of that! But now, Dr. Dean, the loving and compassionate person, says: “Easy, we’ve got to bridge this. Fear always builds walls, not bridges”. We say: “We don’t care”. She says: “Well, we do”.

[July 19, 2014 Part 3 (1:06:51 mark)]:

Caller: iON, may we hear your outline of what you would like to see come to fruition?

iON: Fruition! Sure! Absolutely! We want to see Little Men come into their place of power and be God – that’s all we want to see. We want to see that in every way and everybody. And if not, we want to see all of the Little Men die and go off this planet, and stop wasting everyone else’s time, energy, and resources over ridiculous, stupid questions that don’t mean anything about anything. If they’re smart enough to be God, but not smart enough to come back to God – makes no sense to us.

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