[April 12, 2014 Part 2 (15:35 mark)]
iON: You’ve got to have a ton of Living Water if you are not going to have any RnA Drops.
[iON on “PAYDAY” May 17, 2014 Part 2 (35:05 mark)]:
iON: Everybody that’s in that perilous wonders of searching – the only thing you can do is – move with the Cloud – until you get past and get across to the river Jordan – and go into the land of Canaan. There’re giants over there, but you don’t care, honey. You done whopped a Lion and a Bear – you get you a little Shewbread – and you get you some Living Water – and you cross that river Jordan, darling. You’d be just fine. Then you won’t have to follow the Cloud anymore, and you’ll know Ascension is sure.
[iON on “PAYDAY” June 14, 2014 Part 1: (14:36 mark)]:
iON: The water will make you not thirsty. You will not be thirsty – but you will want it – you’ll thirst again. But, if you drink this water – it starts a fountain that springs inside you – it’s a different kind of water.
[iON on “PAYDAY” June 21, 2014 Part 2: (48:39 mark)]:
Caller: How can I feel excited about the Living Water?
iON: Living Water – what it does, is – it changes how your body oxidases its cells – that’s the next step – that’s next by the way. You will engage it, and it will be a different thing. People drink water now because they’re thirsty – you won’t want this because you’re thirsty – because once you have it, you’ll never be thirsty again. What a pleasure and a delight that you would never be thirsty anymore – but you’ll want it – and you’ll want to drink it all of the time because it’s delicious. You’ll want it, but it won’t be because: “Ah, I am dry. I’ve got to drink. Oh, I’ve got to drink. Oh, Dr. Dean said that I’ve got to drink water. Ah, I don’t like water”. OK, then don’t drink water – drink Gin – that’s not a problem. But the point is, the Living Water once you have it – you’ll want it to enjoy it – you’ll want to take it in. It will absolutely shift the way your body processes oxygen at the pulmonary level.
“iON’s description above of the effect of Living Water is very precise.
On July 3/19 I was the first person on this planet, outside of JW’s family in Atlanta, to imbibe our Living Water.
Carolyn was the second, 2 weeks later.
We had consumed water sparsely from Joe Dun Sloan’s D-Cell from 1969 to 2002, and it had slowed down our aging.
I had never liked water. And I didn’t even drink it while playing sports.
I was considered by Carolyn and others to be in a general condition of dehydration for the last 50 years.
But it didn’t seem to bother me. The small amounts of the D-Cell water probably kept me above water.
It’s now been 5 months of drinking the Living Water almost every day… all day long.
Carolyn was shocked at the amount of water I was drinking when she arrived in Atlanta in mid-July.
I have even cut back considerably on my consumption of Lappert’s ice cream here on Maui… which is amazing and unforeseen.
We owe a lot to JW and his sons who make sure we keep supplied with this outstanding liquid.
AND I understand why all that power and authority is pouring into our situation now.”