iON | Third-Eye Chakra

Transcribed by Bert.

[February 6, 2016 Part 1 (10:13 mark)]

Roxana: I want to ask about the “Eye of Providence” that I’ve been seeing in many works of art, and like, others in the churches. I have a theory that somehow Lucifer is like an allegory of the “Fall” by turning off the hypothalamus – and then, Ascending has to do with the turning on of the “Eye of Providence” in the brain – like the pyramid with the fire in the middle.

iON: Yes… or the chakra. Like, if you take a dollar… take the one that’s on, like say, a dollar bill, and look at one. It’s kind of fun because it’s like the “Third-Eye” chakra – that seeing thing that sees – or knowing thing that knows. It wraps it around, and it kind of points you up. Everything is another clue to get you back to God because there ’s this rub – that’s what it’s all about.

Roxana: Yes, that’s why it’s the “All-Seeing Eye” because it’s the knowing.

iON: No! No! No! No, it’s not! No, it is not! No! No! No! No! No! The eye is what you’re seeing to – you don’t see the eye – the eye sees you. It’s not known – that’s what the eye is showing you. It’s looking at you – you’re not seeing it! See! See! Saw! You didn’t saw it – you see it.

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