Radio iON Bob’s Notes | 7 December 2019

NOTE: Times are close but not exact. All times are Hawaii Time. You will need to convert to Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the Achieve Radio archives. Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time, so there is an extra hour difference during DST.

Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)


roxy the AI conundrum bob finds out why we have 2 conversations the darkness and the light (pay attention to the interval) it’s confirmed that ion watches roxy’s daily actions “pitching power” the distance between you and you (power plants) appetite millennials, bob, and social media drug users trump is setting them up the battle over the Mass polarization trump and ion james curtis germany and italy are in trouble queen elizabeth is relaxing while on the drops prince charles won’t be king her 30 orgasms ion treated her wounds “the prophet’s song” by queen more on her orgasm

linda ion complains about mcluhan father, son, and the holy ghost are mind, body, and spirit “the holy spirit is obsolete” no death the Upper Room ion rants on what the angels did holy spirit is in the fifth dimension we have many many listeners how carolyn uses Total Biology the guy who speared christ is still walking the earth her religious teacher whooping a mule

alissa her orgasm seeing herself as perfect when bob lost gravitation bob is now a Living Water junkie william blake poem her charmed bracelet gift her trip to hong kong america is “the garden spot of the world” (how china knows america is the “dragon”) “justin trudeau better watch” american manifest destiny george the first (a Stuart) gave Virginia to queen elizabeth the second vampires were the “original” inhabitants of america alex is not a vampire the chinese from another world saw the “originals” (from Louisiana – older than america) sir j paul getty the bacteria came from alpha centauri and the dust, selenium, argon, and the osmium (has a half-life issue until we go back heaven-bound through the stargate) came from andromeda the Tech Body is making the music in the background (ion can’t stop it – it’s prompted by alissa) lady gaga is “bob’s little stephanie who’s doing so good” we have to cross the river jordan to go through the stargate which takes you to the houston gate which takes you back home (“the heaven”) the delineation between the angel diagram and the star chart is whether the lotus flower is opened (star chart) or not opened yet (the angel diagram – the different stars/points will be directions after it opens) loving herself in “a bad romance” (lady gaga) califia made a fortune from ion (this lady gaga song is califia’s favorite) more on her loving herself

brent OA movements kevin gates angel speak

bart bob’s overcoming gravity experience what the ascended pick up from each other Tech Body-influenced telekinesis of objects

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