iON | Argon in the Meat Sack

Transcribed by Bert.

[July 14, 2019 01:00 AM hour (22:55 mark)]

Bert: Is there a dimensional partition that separates argon from the environment?

iON: Yes! Yes, the Al2(SO4) formula.

Bert: That’s the environment, but so that… so, the new… the Al2(SO4)3.nH2O…. you know, the blah-blah blah-blah, the whole thing… that automatically partitions argon away from the environment because of the way of the setup of those elements?

iON: Precisely!

Bert: Is that what you’re saying…? WOW!

iON: Yes!

Bert: OK! So, the next question is: is argon located in the meat sack or something around the meat sack?

iON: Well, you’ll find it. Umm… You’re going off the rails! Go the other way! That was great – but go the other way. You’ll be happier!

Bert: OK, I said: “around”… So, is argon…

iON: Yeah!

Bert: … in the meat sack?

iON: It will be!

Bert: WOW!

iON: You’ve got to realize what’s happening is – you got yourself in a position where oxygen is going to be replete – and when it runs replete and pH changes to a negative pH – something’s got to fill the void. You’re making a sponge that is going to reabsorb something.


iON: It’s so close, you can taste it!

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