[February 6, 2016 Part 4 (06:52 mark)]
Caller: Is the protein powder – is that the next product that you’ll be offering?
Bob: I think so!
iON: “ReStructure”, you mean!
Caller: “ReStructure”, that’s correct – high in lysine?
Bob: Yeah, coming out in a couple of months.
iON: Well, we can’t say, but it might be a better lysine. But we can’t say – you didn’t hear from us.
Caller: Is it a byproduct of the Living Water?
iON: It will be an enhancer with the Living Water.
Caller: So, oxygen is going away, or vastly diminished?
iON: Good!
Caller: What will be the purpose of red blood cells in our body? Will they carry oxygen?
iON: It won’t be! It won’t be! You won’t be! There won’t be! You won’t use that for that – that’s why your blood is changing. That’s the point!
Caller: So, red blood cells are going away?
iON: A red blood count won’t be counted the same way. The albumin won’t be as sustainable.
Caller: What will be the function of blood at that point?
iON: It’s the part that will “give you strength from day to day” to move your nutrition about.
Caller: OK!
iON: Now, there’s a little more to it than that, but you didn’t ask anything really significant. You just kind of hit the tops of it. So, we answered that way, and that’s OK because it’s enough. It’ll get you there because it’s also… the better question would be: “Hey, iON! If red blood cells are made in the marrow of the bone – and you don’t require red blood cells anymore, what is the purpose? Or is there a purpose to bone marrow?” And we’d say: “Yes, it’s going to change in the marker”. Marrow will show the marker of how a God’s DNA differs from a Little Man, or it’s going to prove how you descended. And, so the chain of pain will be laid out in such a way that even ignorant people can figure it out. It’s going to be great.
Caller: Is it related to salt and light?
iON: Always! Very excellent!