iON | Candida

Transcribed by Bert.

[May 3, 2014 Part 1 (57:15 mark)]

Caller: Why are so many women’s bodies currently wayward homes for yeast?

iON: Because you are Petri dishes and you’re becoming. So, you flow… the power… your power is influenced or increasing more. So, therefore, it… these barnacles… the bigger the ship, the more the barnacles attach. Well, the more energy you have flowing through you, the more prolific all life is. Now, the lives that you’re talking about or the Candida that we like… but Dr. Dean just will not abide it. We understand all that, but y’all know how she is – she’s like a “snapping turtle”. Once she bites, she’s not going to turn it loose. So, we have to go with that. However, your body natural with your sugars – the new sugars – the super sugars that you’re ingesting and building generation after generation after generation. And, they have the documented proof to prove the goddamn words anymore! Just saying! That allows your body to build “insulinose” in your system – in your meat sack body – done with a bilirubin blood test, documentable for you all, you ridiculous little humans! So, the reason your body presently is embracing Candida and-or a yeast position is because your engine is running purer – hotter – richer. You are digesting food more than you’ve ever digested – really digesting. Your body is starting to really kick in, as far as doing what it normally does. There are no food questions anymore. And, we are so pleased because you know we’re not going to have that. Eat whatever the fuck you want to eat! Don’t make it be about the food – because if you make it be about the food – then the food may not be right.

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