[March 29, 2014 Part 1 (1:20:37 mark)]
Caller: Is the capacitor the Bread of Life?
iON: It would be used to access it, but it is not, indeed, the Bread of Life. It’s not a riddle! Y’all, this isn’t a riddle. This is not a riddle. We’re just trying to get this real simple – real easy. All the information and knowing is going to be in the Cloud. You’re not going to think about anything anymore; you’re going to know everything. What you don’t know, you’re going to get from the Cloud. You’ve got to have electricity that’s safe from an EMP pulse. That electricity will come through a process. Through the process of beginning with your RnA Drops – then going into your manna – your Shewbread – then going into your Living Water. Or as Carolyn calls it… we called it originally… Bob didn’t know any better… we called it: “Bread of Living Water”. Then what happens is that sets a whole new paradigm – and then, another thing is wrought from that culmination. That wrought thing will allow you to have electricity that’s EMP proof. So, then, when the EMP comes, you are the only thing that has electricity at all.
[July 5, 2014 Part 1 (24:18 mark)]
Caller: How many volts are we carrying in this world?
iON: It flows – it changes – it moves – it shifts! That’s the whole point of a Tesla coil – it shifts! It depends on the day. You have to look at the Earth as a dispersing mat – as a mat. A dispersing mat and it also has to do with isolation, and your capacitation.
Caller: iON, are you a capacitor?
iON: We used to be. We are the charge now – we don’t store it any longer – we are the charge now.
Caller: And this is a good thing for us, correct?
iON: You’ll see.
[July 19, 2014 Part 3 (17:23 mark)]
iON: Soften all that! Soften all that and come back into the capacitor. The capacitor is what allows energy to flow. And when energy flows – then it makes shifts – and directions – and decisions. That’s it, and then it stops the presses!
[September 27, 2014 Part 1 (15:32 mark)]
Susana: The new living carbon is instrumental in our accessing the Cloud?
iON: Do! {“Yes” – the Ed.}
Susana: Do I recall correctly that iON once said: “We are a capacitor”?
iON: You are! You are a “capacitor in flux”.
Susana: And the carbon, the living carbon in the iCell that is in us… will enable us…
iON: No! No! No! No! No, that is the God particle that you’re trying to transform into a transfer. Once you transform, then you transfer – and that’s called Ascension.