iON | The Constellations Match the Angel Diagram

Transcribed by Bert.

[Bob’s Private Session January 4, 2020 (15:44 mark)]

Bob: OK, the Angel Diagram that shows the constellations. It also shows the geographical landscape where Mount Everest is – is that in the Angel diagram, iON?

iON: Say it again, a different way! Oh, no! Say it again the same way! Say it again the same way! Say it again the same way. And, we’re going to modify just a little bit before we answer it – so go ahead.

Bob: Well, we’ve looked at the Angel Diagram – the first six Rings are chemistry and the last seven Rings, or so, is frequency. So, we think it’s…

iON: Yeah, that’s right! See, that’s right! Put it on a turntable? Put it on… no… just put it on a turntable, and put it on 78 speed – you know, 78 rpms. Do you know what that is on a phonograph?

Bob: Yeah!

iON: You’ve got record recorded – you got recorded records – spin it – and that’ll answer your question. And, that’ll answer your question because you’re applying that representation to the night sky. And yes, it fits – yes, the lines fit. Yes, they mark, but they’re not consistent. But you have to spin it at 78 rpms in order to see the application of the Angel Diagram in your night sky from a constellation connection.

Bob: Will it be spinning? Will we just see a blur? We don’t see constellations.

iON: You don’t know that!

Bob: Oh, OK! So,…

iON: You’ve not done it. You’ve not done it. It’s spinning right now, and you see constellations.

Bob: The Angel Diagram is spinning right now?

iON: And, so is the night sky.

Bob: OK! So, this idea… maybe, I’m trying to make it extreme, but it is extreme.

iON: Maybe! It’s OK! You’re pretty… You are pretty extreme.

Bob: Right! So, this idea I just said, has anybody ever said that before, that the constellations match with…?

iON: Never!

Bob: Yeah, that’s never been said before, Carolyn! So, we can’t say: “We knew this”.

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