[May 12, 2019 01:00 AM hour (22:10 mark)]
Bert: Hey, iON – your words last week sparked me to see Bob’s chart differently.
iON: Ah!
Bert: Is Bob’s chart a representation of a rhombic dodecahedron due to all of the…
iON: No, it’s not!
Bert: …different perspectives outlined?
iON: No! No! No, it is not a rhombic dodecahedron anything! It’s a guideline! It’s a guideline for this “fucked-up-ness” that you’re living in – not perfection. It’s where the pentad has to be overcome. It’s what leads to the Hexad, which is incomplete, you see! A rhombic dodecahedron would eat the “Tiny Note” and all those angles at every level – at every degree. But that’s the example, the outline of how you missed the beat. The beat goes on, but you missed the beat.
Bert: Yes!
iON: You have to obsolesce and retrieve, and when you retrieve it and you take the Bodies… OK!… and you bring them back, and then you parse them, you can create it into a rhombic dodecahedron – but they are not. They are not complete in the slightest at all. And it’s completely exampled… time and time again of incompleteness – because you’ve got the four quadrants fighting against each other for the very superiority of what a real live note is – of what the Tiny Note is for the “Big Note” – right?