Radio iON Bob’s Notes | 28 January 2020

NOTE: Times are close but not exact. All times are Hawaii Time. You will need to convert to Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the Achieve Radio archives. Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time, so there is an extra hour difference during DST.

Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)

germaine back from costa rica taking the power out of statues transducers ion stopped a tsunami 20 minutes ago kobe bryant homeless man called her a “poltergeist” 50 million people are locked inside in china

scott bob keeps the CDC at bay silk worms made the coronavirus jaron lanier how rome became christianity (rev. ivan stang effect) john the baptist’s head mcluhan’s non-rules 29 virus strains coming “here at the wall” (Trinity Church)

madeleine death does not guarantee ascension laying in the bed too much

alesha her business trip with jack

barb “whole armor of God”

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