Radio iON Bob’s Notes | 4 January 2020

NOTE: Times are close but not exact. All times are Hawaii Time. You will need to convert to Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the Achieve Radio archives. Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time, so there is an extra hour difference during DST.

Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)

ion on cold play CAROLYN’S BOOK OF THE DEAD Part Eleven

linda THE MAGICIANS TV show (Crowleyish, ugh) bob on CKLN made the alphabet people nervous bob’s tiny note chart egg yolk Bob’s Five Bodies (more on Crowley) the upper room (Carolyn) the moon project paperclip gang on the moon space station bob is mean to ion more on trump’s space project her large mirror more on the egg electrons bob is now hydrated for the first time (look at his skin!) improving her memory her ridiculous early calls her daughters

scott the MESSIAH TV show (“the eye of the needle”) bob has done the “messiah” for years bob is becoming (used to do “conditioned responses”) bob’s huge head his new think tank offer trump’s strategy in iraq no more income tax now he will get 320 seats oregon changed their electoral college voting peter thiel bernie sanders his new article on silicon valley is obsolete united methodist church trump’s second term is anti-republican and trumperian the legacy media is doomed vs. trump Tech Body ion brags about us the angels are catching on madeleine’s water prophecy blockchain in bob’s tiny note chart as the ionauts get stronger the angels will respond

bert ascension absorbs salt the iBlock and salt the MESSIAH TV show is about Bob jared kushner C122 and chromosome 14 bob stopped thinking years ago the archives seem to be changing his radiation is hurting his wife his encounter with a dead person (he was stunned that bert could see him) bert’s sleep how bob talks to ion bert is finding this call very weird

alissa her real name is paula her ancestor wants to talk to her (she feels pressured) watching her old home videos showed the pressure on her her abused mother

sue tuesday’s weird phone call retracing her life through her huge photo collection her new tenants no more miss nice girl her meat diet she saw it all in dobbstown bob lined up with ion bob buried them all bob is now really in charge canada’s tragic future Tech Body subtle conveniences bob’s phones paramedia ecology justin trudeau had a nervous breakdown some dead people come from the future bitcoin friend’s problems burn down halifax

germaine she’s a demon how we leave to go back to andromeda the keys are the crib notes for driving the angels we’re all a sugar cube in toto the point of C122-H197-O98 (insulinose)

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