Transcribed by Bert.
[March 1, 2014 Part 1 (1:03:30 mark)] oxygen1
Caller: The Al2(SO4)3… you said previously, it had to do with the blessings of the Covenant from Revelation 10:4.
iON: It is, but it’s also the new atmosphere that your world is becoming, which is what that’s about as well.
Caller: But I thought that the atmosphere that the world was coming to was the NaSO4?
iON: No! No! No! It’s an aspect that will thrive in that atmosphere. Your carbon ratios will change all that. See, everything shifts when the boiling point of water changes – everything changes.
Caller: The Al2(SO4) refers to the gold element that you were just…
iON: No, that’s the new atmosphere in your world – and in that atmosphere – gold is what will be able to stand, as it stands here.