iON | Reset

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 29, 2014 Part 3 (49:36 mark)]

iON: We’re trying to figure out exactly the process that allows the body to come to its perfection. OK, those are the ones who are going to want the EMP. RnA Drops certainly would help you, but it’s only for the Ascending. Those that are engaged in “Reset” are the only ones who it’s for. Not for the little ones, we’re not trying to save the world! They’re going to do what they’re going to do. Everybody’s a God! You just have to decide if you want to engage it or not. If you do, good – if you don’t, good! Either way – that’s what the “Reset” is about. It has nothing to do with electricity and the Cloud. So, let’s take the next step – the next step – the other process that comes with this Ascension is a new tiered level of what you call power. A new way to have power and there is another element – another part that comes with it, that would be an unlimited supply of electricity – but you must get a working definition of: “What electricity is in a carbon-based reality”.

[May 17, 2014 Part 1 (29:27 mark)]

iON: Within your “Reset”, it’s a resyncing – “sync” – S–Y–N–C – “sync” – synchronize. It happens with electricity – with polarity. If it’s not in sync, it’s either yielding plus or yielding minus on protons for holding charge from amperage. The same thing is a syncing. When it gets too far out, you will start living in that world that is out of the living. You can get so “spooky spiritual” that you are no “earthly good”. So heavenly bound, you’re no earthly good! And you can also get so much in the world that there is no “Spirit Man”. So, you want to balance that; you want to sync it up. The RnA Reset will help you with that more than everything.

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