[May 17, 2014 Part 1 (41:56 mark)]
iON: We’re not saying: “smoke”. We’re not saying: “not smoke”. We’re saying: “never ever – ever – ever have a cigarette that you don’t enjoy”. If you enjoy it, enjoy it! If you’re smoking and you don’t enjoy it, lay it down! OK, just only do it if you enjoy it, and never have a cigarette that you don’t appreciate. Never! If you don’t appreciate it, don’t have it! Don’t do it – because what it actually does is it dries – tobacco dries your blood. And now, what happens is you’re actually changing your blood. So, it would feel funny – that’s why a lot of times people that are real heavy smokers – they go to the doctor – and they’ll quit smoking – and their health goes worse – because they really had to keep themselves strong to take in those carcinogens. You see! So, you’re basically taking the pollen away, so you can’t even have an “allergy fit”. So, your body responds in kind. So, we’re not saying: “Do” [“Yes” – Ed.] – and we’re not saying: “Don’t” – we’re not saying either. We’re saying: “Adjust your body” – and as you get stronger, you’ll be able to breathe differently. You’ll be able to breathe differently.