[February 6, 2016 Part 4 (00:13 mark)]
Caller: I got a friend who says he’s been “Baptized in the Spirit”. I’d like iON to talk about that because I don’t know what that is.
iON: Well, if he’s a “Primitive Baptist”, he’ll have… he’ll have a real hard time with it. But now, if you’re talking about the “Whole Armor of God” – when you’re starting to take on the misty – mystic – mystical spiritual aspects of the “Body of Christ” – then what happens is an activation… it kind of, like, tricks you into Ascension. But they have these “Gifts of the Spirit” that are made manifest. Now, Bob will start talking about “glossolalia” – and speaking in the “unknown tongues” – and “raising people from the dead” – and all these different things. And, you can do that, and those are those “Gifts of the Spirit”. You can do Ephesians and GE-Philco – go to that and you can learn all about that. But what you are talking about specifically is the Emmaus Road. That was one aspiration, when they were interacting with the Christ. But you’re talking about the Damascus Road – where Paul got struck with lightning – the fire – and he went blind – and all this kind of stuff. It’s like a smash – an overloading position… kind of like, when Moses was at the “Burning Bush” – that would be a “Baptism of the Spirit” or “Slain in the Spirit” experience – but it can overwhelm you from a neutron value – is where it actually applies to. But we don’t care about that – because that’s the… that’s the pornographic version of Godship. The “Baptized in the Holy Spirit” is like pornography. It’s how the act is done, but there’s a better way to do it. Once you come into your place of Ascension or Ascending, just like on the Emmaus Road… see, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” without the Emmaus Road doesn’t do you any good because without Jesus’s Ascension, it’s all gone. It’s all lost. Jesus then becomes a pedophile – because he’s not coming for a mature bride. The whole point of being “Blessed” or “Slain in the Spirit” or “Baptized in the Holy Spirit” is that you can start adapting and moving your body into perfection.