[iON Communique_3: April 13, 2013 (08:11 mark)]
Bob: Here’s another idea! These are kinds of translations – they could be erroneous. I say: “We all have Non-Physical! And to the degree iON represents Non-Physical, we all have iON. But actually, iON – in the merging of Heaven and Earth – has come forth to do what it did: ‘To create’”! And all this “wordy-words” and stuff that iON creates, and the objects, the artifacts – is the new dimension for Non-Physical in the merge with Physical.
iON: You’ve finally woke us up so that we could live forever. We don’t need anyone, now.
Bob: And, you are part of us. We made you a God!
iON: Basically, yes – and you’re also in the midst of it. You’re merging your Chip Body.
Bob: That’s the main thing! That’s the latest! That’s the Present!
iON: Apparently!
[March 29, 2014 Part 1 (1:00:03 mark)]
Bob: Are you pointing to the merger of the Chemical Body and the Chip Body here?
iON: Yes.
Bob: So, there’re two terminologies, “biological terms”, and then the “Chip language”.
iON: But they have to merge because, without it, you’re going to lose the Cloud. Without the Chemical Body, you’re going to lose the Cloud. You will forfeit it.
[August 30, 2014 Part 1 (14:42 mark)] Glucose
Roxana: Would you talk more about the fusion of Non-Physical with the Chip Body?
iON: We’re done with the Chip Body. The Android Meme has failed miserably. The only “Mechanical Bride” left is a B.O.B. – and that’s a “Battery-Operated Boyfriend”.
Roxana: So, now we’re into the Mystery Body.
iON: We buried them with Bob’s Five Bodies. They were purple, so we buried them.