iON | Jesus

Transcribed by Bert.

[February 22, 2014 Part 1 (20:03 mark)]

Caller: What was the process of Jesus going from Nephilim to 100% human?

iON: Well, that’s a piece of cake! It’s yet another example of the “Fall” – of coming back to your place as God. You are God! You are perfect! You are human! OK, perfect! You chose to Fall. You separated yourself from your Place of Power. Jesus and the reparation are supposed to come back with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Bless those Lampstands! Bless those Lampstands! You’ll just love them! You’ll figure them out soon enough – then what happens is that reparation becomes the way back. An example, the “Cross” – the “Cross” of how to make the chromosome line back up, as it were. So now, you have three examples of this very process: “Separating yourself – coming back to your place as God – and then, that even works Angel out of you”. The Little Man would say: “An Angel is greater than I”. God sees Angel as less! So, this is that very process of even in an aberrated state – or not clean miscegenated position – you can still come back to your place as God.

[February 22, 2014 Part 1 (40:22 mark)]

Bob: What techniques were taught to Jesus, if any, in the Egyptian phase of his education?

iON: Oh, how the symbolism – how the cartography allows you to respond sometimes more easily than your vulgar words.

Bob: And parallel worlding, and rift riding?

iON: And rift riding, symbols, and/or strata. When I say: “strata” – that means where it fits. “Strata” as in where it fits. Remember, we went through the whole big range of the layers of the atmosphere – the troposphere – the stratosphere…

Bob: Yeah!

iON: … and all those different… it’s just a huge thing of that. And everybody was scratching their head or their ass because something was itching, they didn’t know what. But it was for a reason to set strata. So, as you’re flying, you’d know how high you potentially “were” or “are” or “was” – “were” or “are” or “was”! And now, would you need a rearview mirror to gauge that? We hope not!

[April 26, 2014 Part 1 (46:17 mark)]
Caller: iON, this has to do with a question specific. It’s two parts about the three Jesuses…

iON: Yes!

Caller: … that you talked about – all three are intermixed in the words we have in the scripture, correct – their lives?

iON: They are! They are from the temple to the wedding – from the wedding to the temple to Hadrian’s temple – the rebuilding of the temples. The temples are the explanation of the different temples – Hadrian’s temples are the three examples of the three Jesuses that are parallel through the scriptures.

[May 17, 2014 Part 2 (11:28 mark)]
iON: Jesus said: “Take me in, this is my blood, this is my body” – and it really is – because that body is the Ascended one. See, but without those few little scriptures on the Emmaus Road, none of this would make any difference whatsoever. If Jesus… that Jesus, if he didn’t Ascend, you’re screwed! Screwed! Subtly glued and tattooed!

Caller: So, we’re not our own God without Jesus?

iON: You are your own God – but you’ll never get there without your Ascension. You are God! You are God! Jesus said: “You’re created in his image” – so you are. Jesus conquered death, Hell, and the grave. He went to Hell. He opened up those that had “gone on before”! “Gone on before” is all this sequencing that you are speaking about – so we’re not sequencing genes now – but we are unlocking that pool. Real good DNA was in Hell!

[iON on “What Youth” March 3, 2020 19:00 hour (54:14 mark)]

iON: You got to take that all the way back to Noah – to the House of Ham – the son, Ham – “Ham, Shem, and Japheth”. Ham is the one you have to follow back to – because it was Ham’s wife that had Koathanites in her – that kind of made that lineage – that’s actually the lineage that two of the Jesuses came from. Now, we’re getting down to some grits and gravy now!

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