Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: Sept. 29/1966 (Ojai, California)

Bob sat down on the wooden bench to have some soup. The spoken sentence, “The rituals of the Order of the Golden Dawn should not be used to establish a new priesthood,” passed into his awareness and he turned and recognized the speaker’s face. It took Bob a few minutes for him to place it. Seattle, about ten years ago, during the LSD experiments. He walked over carefully balancing his soup.

“Excuse me, but did you live in Seattle once?” Bob asked.

“Did you spill your soup?”

Bob looked down. The familiar face continued, “I still live there.”

“I think we met many years ago. Anyway, did you know that Krishnamurti is mentioned in Finnegans Wake?”

“I’ve heard of that book, but I haven’t read it.”

“Oh no, one can’t read it per se, one can only study it. By the way, I’m Bob Dobbs.”

“David Worcester, pleased to meet you.”

Dobbs: Oh, you’re the man who asked Krishnamurti if he’s asking us to experience violence!

Worcester: Yes, what did you think of his answer?

Dobbs: Well, he said he is doing that. But for me Krishnamurti addresses the individual’s private citadel of consciousness as the source of spiritual regeneration and ignores the dynamics of the crowd.

Worcester: That may be so but when Rhyee set up the principality of Man…

Dobbs (looking stunned): Rhyee!!?? Did you say Rhyee? Who’s Rhyee?

Worcester: Yes… it’s a concept channeled by a friend of mine who’s a medium.

Dobbs: Is he here today?

Worcester: No, he lives in Hawaii. His name is Ralph Duby.

Dobbs: “Rhyee.” I can’t believe it! I’ve had that word running through my mind for over, at least, twenty-five years. I’ve never known what it referred to.

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