[May 24, 2014 Part 2 (12:21 mark)]
Caller: Will you talk about acupuncture?
iON: OK! Basically, what acupuncture is – is breaking of the dermis – lining of electrical pathogens. We say: “pathogens” – like it’s something neurotic, but it’s not – but there are little synaptic nerve endings all over your body. Like that’s why when you… like, prick your finger – it hurts more than if you poke yourself in the arm or the leg – because you’ve got just millions of little nerve endings – so you don’t burn your hand off on the stove – but you could scold your elbow before you ever knew what happened, that’s the difference. The number of those little lines that say: “pain sensors” – or “receptors” – or “feeling things”. OK! Now, you also have chi, that’s energy in your body. We’ve told a lot of people to put copper on and “tit” – “tat” – “itch” – “scratch” – and “everything a box of cat crap will get you for a dollar”! Doing those different things, but what the chi is – is the energy that you want to lower the chi in your body. Once you do that and get your energy level balanced, then people… a lot of people like and use acupuncture… there are points. And… ah… we like classic “Henghau-Shang Na” type. It’s our most favorite kind of Chinese acupuncture classic – that’s actually from the Ming dynasty is where the best came from – they mastered all of those tactile nerve endings exactly. So, that you can place a needle on the body – and have different predicated outcomes that it’ll do. Now, how this works is the needle – the needle is what’s key – because as it pierces the dermis, it lines up or sends an electrical current through that path – and goes to the mind to overload with a sensory perception its connection. So, it basically hot wires the hypothalamus into thinking that something else is driving you.