Transcribed by Bert.
[Heart and Hypothalamus Part 2 May 16, 2015 28:19 mark)]
Bob: So, what are you referring to when you say: “The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart” or however you say it?
iON: It’s the conditional-response of how you respond within a heart matter – that’s how it applies to an emotion. Love is a force field – but you do have emotions that are channeled through what you call the “heart chakra”.
Bob: So, the psychology of humans is anchored in the emotions of the heart when they’re Little Men?
iON: That’s how you see them, yes!
Bob: Yeah, it’s the best of the Little Man… is his heart and how he gauges reality through the heart, right? That’s the best of the Little Man?
iON: Exactly!