[April 2, 2016 Part 6 (06:30 mark)]
Caller: I heard on the News the other day that they discovered a new object in space. They don’t know what it is, but they’re calling it “The Boss”.
Bob: “The Boss”?
Caller: Can you tell me anything about that?
iON: Yes.
Caller: Will ya?
iON: Yes.
Caller: Should I ask differently?
iON: Well, yeah!
Caller: I was just wondering what it was. Hmm! OK, one more thing…
Bob: No more questions, Caller! You’re not getting any answers on anything!
iON: OK! Bob, will you take over for a minute? Darling, we adore you more than words itself. We’re trying to get you somewhere, and you’re not there. Bob, will you take over for a minute?
Bob: Well, what am I supposed to do?
iON: We want you to ask us questions – so she can get her answer -because she will never get there – but if you ask it, you’ll get it down the end.
Bob: Nah!
iON: Just ask a question, Bob! Come on, throw the ball! Throw the ball, Bob! Come on!
Bob: What’s the fucking “Boss”? What’s the fucking “Boss”?
iON: It is the “Great Wall in space”. It’s the “Great Wall in space”. It’s the largest thing in the universe. It is the “Great Wall” – it’s the wall that Donald Trump talks about between Mexico – it’s the “Great Wall” bigger than China. It’s 2/3 bigger than the whole Sloan Observatory that can be seen – it goes to the cuspis edge – it divides Jupiter in half.
Bob: Why couldn’t you tell the Caller that?
iON: She wouldn’t ask!
Caller: OK, if I would have just said: “What the fuck is the Boss?” I would have gotten an answer?
iON: You would have gotten and more!
Bob: You’ve got to put passion into it.
iON: There’s a quarter cold matter and 4% of ordinary matter, and it’s really made of this mysterious force called “dark energy”. And, the energy that it comes from – it comes from us – and they’ve been knowing it for a long time – and they’ve tried to call it different things. But they say: “It’s just a theory” – but we are saying that it’s come to a place where they can’t actually do anything about it. So, the “Baryonic Acoustical Oscillation” (BAO) is how you kind of go. They’re calling it: “A phenomenon like a wave of sound or an acoustic wave” – but it’s propagated through the early universes – the early hot phase. That’s when it was just a primordial soup – but now you have made it. And see now, ordinary matter goes through it in separate ways – but the former condensing into hydrogen atoms has changed – because now the microwave background information reacts differently with the hydrogen – and, you’re just now getting your radiation up to a level that can start activating the hydrogen in the atmosphere. So, your Al2(SO4) starts to apply, and sometimes that can sit in on your tendons – and they are going to react to it. The magnesium will soothe that – and will take the peaks – and the valleys – and galaxies far more dense – and clustered will move you to places to a degree of regularity – it’s a standard ruler. It’s the geometry of the universe!