[April 5,2020 07:00 AM (53:30 mark)]
Brent: The Experiment that McLuhan did with the “light-through” screen and the “light-reflected” screen – and that the people had the… that were reviewing the “light-through” – they were a lot more engaged. It was kind of engaging their inner nervous system – their glands – that type of inner sense.
iON: Yes!
Brent: Now, are the Ascended seeing the Tech Body right now from a “light-reflected” standpoint? So, they don’t have to react to it, and it doesn’t have to have a causal effect on their body?
iON: It doesn‘t have a causal effect! And actually, that screen turns into a… actually, a buffer. So, you witness it – you see it! And that’s why we are sharp – we talk sharp these days – and we’re avant-garde, and we say… we’re vulgar! You have to get used to that position because you’re fixing to see worse than that! You know… why would we take the energy to start explaining “necrophilia” if that wasn’t the possibility? Yikes! But, so it goes!
Brent: Right, yeah! And… but the people that are not Ascending, they’re… they’re viewing the Tech Body through the “light-through” perspective, right! And it does have an effect on them!
iON: Right! And it’s flooding them! And it’s flooding them!