[February 13, 2016 Part 6 (02:08 mark)]
SkyGoddess Sue: I was reading a scientist lately; I can’t remember his name now. But he said: “If he had to ask God two questions, he would ask number one about ‘relativity’, and number two about ‘turbulence’” – because neither of those things he really understood. And I thought: “Yes, I don’t understand very much about turbulence”.
iON: That’s true!
SkyGoddess Sue: So, I did want to ask you about turbulence.
iON: Troubled water! Troubled water!
SkyGoddess Sue: So, these black holes and the waves that are going to be passing through Earth. Is that going to create “big turbulence and troubled waters” on the planet?
iON: Yes!
SkyGoddess Sue: Umm-hm! Yes! Yes! And do these scientists have a time frame for this happening?
iON: Well, they just blew that up! See, darling, that’s the thing! They just blew that up! When the two Black Holes merged into each other and caused the “ripple” – that proves there is no time because now you can ripple time.
SkyGoddess Sue: OK!
iON: So, if you can ripple time, now it’s a false premise. So now, you’re going to start where there’s no more time because you’ve just proved it. You just heard the two blips of the two Black Holes that consumed each other. Well, it’s not a dwarf star – it was a black hole – and in a Black Hole, there was no “time-space continuum”. But if you had two of them and they bumped into each other – that reverberation proves that there is no calculable way to give an accurate mile per hour – or a light-year – or a time-space – or an energy flow in a velocity – because now, there is no time because there’s no set time. Like a “Bridge over Troubled Water”, if you have a bridge from one side to the other of a stream – that still doesn’t tell you how much water went under the bridge! That’s what time is – you don’t know!