iON | What Is Electricity

Transcribed by Bert.

[February 13, 2016 Part 2 (53:06 mark)]
Caller: What is electricity?

iON: We didn’t say because every way we say it, doesn’t hold. You change it. See, your landscape is so broad. What we would say… we would say: “It’s the ‘go juice’ that makes things go”. OK, that would work, but now that turns electricity into something that you consume. Oh, wait, you do consume it! Well, no, you don’t! If it’s a current, a circular alternating back and forth – electricity is neither gained nor lost – it simply is in a state of flux until it’s applied, like kinetic energy. We could say: “It’s kinetic energy”. Well, once you apply a force to an accelerating particle beam, it’s attached in a stream or a line that allows a receptor to note the energy field – and when it notes the energy field, the lights come on: “GE: we bring good things to living – we bring good things to life”. And that’s how that rubs!

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