Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
intro by bob
sondra gov. whitmer ion rants on the hexadic turmoil
mitch the view carbon and bread mary mcluhan coronavirus rules brown party liquor
bert doing the transcriptions fallout of the electromagnetic field (see the caldera) salt surfactant angels can’t take the change in the new environment china, maybank, and bob scotiabank and royal bank of canada wells fargo ion’s comprehensive banking knowledge
maybank is trading the Drops on blockchain ion cites carolyn’s resume carolyn and bob’s oct.31/10 private session carnitine and arginine ley lines and bucky fuller reincarnation particle from a parallel world (pw) his life 300 years ago our eureka gland
derrick decoherence in politics art in society bouguereau
mark reincarnation non-power of thought bob’s thinking process black malaise falling over the country ascension day enzymes the treasury is very busy the M1 bob acts like a doctor
roxy questions from the HYPERNORMALIZATION doc the two kinds of alchemy being a “whore” aliens don’t ascend
scott building versailles the mirrors were important babylon cab driver war with china is over the mountain is a little slower technically in lifestyle convex/concave body percept