Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: Feb. 1/1984 (Toronto)

Dobbs: Bob, I’m going to let you in on a pattern nobody’s noticed. It goes like this: The satellite prefigures the actual merger of First and Second Nature. You got that?

Marshall: Uh, yeah: “The satellite prefigures the actual merger of First and Second Nature.” I just said it but I hardly know what it means.

Dobbs: I’ll give you a hint. Bucky Fuller used to point out that the satellite is a manmade environment that contains and miniaturizes a complete history of all the technologies we live with.

Marshall: That sounds like something McLuhan said. I think it was:“The satellite is an extension of the planet.”

Dobbs: Well, now you have two hints. That should tell you something.

Dobbs then opened Connie’s mail and pulled out two tickets to a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game. He grinned mischievously at Bob Marshall.

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